3 Easy On-Page SEO Tips

This article discusses what on-page SEO is, how it's different from off-page SEO, and the top 3 easy-to-implement on-page SEO tips.

Traffic, traffic, traffic. It’s every blogger’s dream. But what’s even better than general traffic? Organic traffic!

So today I want to chat a bit about on-page SEO.

If you don’t know what SEO is (hint: it stands for search engine optimization) be sure to read this article:

Let’s Talk Tech: Blogging Terms such as SEO, DA, and the Powerful Google Analytics

Ok, now that you’ve brushed up on your basic tech terms, the article you’re reading now will include what on-page SEO is, how it’s different from off-page SEO, and some easy-to-implement on-page SEO tips.

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. This means that if you purchase any of my recommended products at the bottom of the post, I will earn a small commission at no extra charge to you. Keep in mind though, that I only post affiliate links to products and services I personally love and use myself! Purchasing through my page ensures that I am able to keep writing useful content for all of you.

What is On-Page SEO?

On-page SEO is everything you do on your page to improve your search engine optimization.

Pretty self-explanatory, right?

On-page SEO is important because it tells Google and other prominent search engines who you are and that you should be at the top of the search results when your keywords are entered in. Without a solid plan for implementing on-page SEO consistently, your website could be left in the dust.

And by “the dust” I mean page 30 of Google’s search results – yikes!

On-Page vs Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO involves aspects of other websites on the internet that can be optimized to improve the ranking of your website on leading search engines. This includes, but is not limited to backlinks (such as those you can get when you sign up for Link-able), social media links, and social bookmarking.

There will be another blog post on off-page SEO coming soon so be sure to sign up for my mailing list so you’re the first to know of all the latest content.

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Tips for On-Page SEO

My top three easiest tips for on-page SEO for a website owner just starting out are: internal linking, a user-friendly 404 page, and writing for Google.

Internal Linking

Internal linking may be difficult for you at first, especially if you write across tons of different topics or if you only have one or two posts published so far. However, it’s incredibly important for both your readers and Google!

So… what, exactly, is internal linking?

Let’s take this blog post for example. The one you’re reading right now. Did you notice how I linked to my blog post on Tech Talk in the introduction? That’s internal linking!

So basically, internal linking is any time in your writing where you drop in a link to another post or page on your website.

So why does this matter?

Internal linking for your audience

Your audience will care about your internal linking for various reasons:

  • If they like your writing, they will likely want to read more of your content
  • If you have more resources on the same topic, they’ll get access to these within the article they’re already reading
Internal linking for Google

So writing for your human audience is great – crucial even. But Google’s algorithm is the one deciding where you land in rankings, so don’t forget to make Google happy too.

  • Internal linking tells Google that you are knowledgeable on a topic, since you have various pieces of content related to it.
  • The more your readers bounce around across different areas of your website, Google will see that your readers find your page useful and will be more inclined to share it with others – hence higher rankings.

A user-friendly 404 page

Now… if you’re new to website building, chances are you’ll mess something up with a weird link.

To be fair, this is also likely if you’ve been around a while and decide to restructure your permalinks. Regardless of the reason, it’s likely that your readers will come across an error page on your website eventually.

Don’t worry though! This doesn’t have to be a catastrophic event. The key is to create and implement a 404 page that:

  1. readers will find useful
  2. will redirect users back to a functioning page on your site so they don’t leave
  3. readers may actually even like!

Just check out this amazing 404 error page that incorporates points 2 and 3 above for a unique user experience.

Traffic, traffic, traffic. It's every blogger's dream. But what's even better than general traffic? Organic traffic! So today I want to chat a bit about on-page SEO. This article discusses what on-page SEO is, how it's different from off-page SEO, and the top 3 easy-to-implement on-page SEO tips.
Emailcenter UK Limited is the email marketing platform of choice for some of the UK’s biggest brands. They have gotten their developers on board with their 404. When I land on the error page, I get to decide who to fire for the issue, and I am motivated to stay on the site to explore.

Writing for Google

Now – before I go further on this idea of writing for Google, never forget that your human audience ALWAYS comes first. Make sure your writing is clear and flows well for your audience, or else your traffic will suffer no matter how much you optimize for Google, Yahoo, or any other search engine!

The easiest-to-implement tips for writing for Google to improve your search engine optimization include:

  • including your keyword in your title and scattered across the article
  • using headings (h1, h2, h3, etc)
  • including your keyword in the alt text for any images featured on the post.

Having said that, the best way to make sure you’re creating SEO-optimized content and writing for Google is to use a plugin specifically designed to improve your search engine optimization.

Recommended plug-ins


Yoast is, by far, the most popular SEO plugin for WordPress across website owners. It’s incredibly easy to install and also easy to implement its recommendations within a couple of minutes. All your aiming for is a checkmark to let you know you’re ready to hit the PUBLISH button.

Rank Math


RankMath is my favorite. By far.

It’s much more difficult to implement and it gives you a score out of 100 so there’s a lot more wiggle room to do well – or poorly – with your search engine optimization.

Don’t let that scare you away from RankMath however. It calculates your score using many more criteria so you’ll likely rank much better by optimizing using RankMath than you would with Yoast.

And plus, after writing a few RankMath-approved posts, you’ll start getting the hang of writing optimized posts and it’ll start becoming much easier to write in this format.

Which to use?

It’s a fairly personal choice whether you want to opt for ease of use versus effectiveness in your SEO strategy. If search engine optimization is simply not a priority at the moment, you may very well be fine with using Yoast for now.


Whether you call it SEO or search engine optimization, hopefully, I’ve given you some easy wins to aim for this week to boost your website’s on-page SEO.

StephanieCristi’s Top Recommended Blogging Resources

With all my love,

SC xo

3 Easy On-Page SEO Tips

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