Advertise your Blog with Me!

Advertise your blog with me, StephanieCristi, for increased blog traffic!

Blog (1 dofollow link) + Social media links in my “Finds of the Month!” post

$55.00 ($20 per each additional dofollow link)

Blog (1 dofollow link) + Social media links in my “Finds of the Month!” post

Introductory tweet & 1 organic tweet in the month

Your latest blog post shared (30 credits) on my ViralContentBee account

$65.00 ($20 per each additional dofollow link)

Blog + Social media links in my “Finds of the Month!” post

Introductory tweet & 2 organic tweets in the month

4 Blog posts added to my Pinterest

Blog shared on my Facebook page once in the month

Your latest blog post shared (50 credits) on my ViralContentBee account

Will comment on your 2 most recent posts

$75.00 ($20 per each additional dofollow link)

Why advertise your blog with me?

Bloglovin’: 15 followers
Facebook: 34 followers
Twitter: 423 followers
Instagram: 605 followers
Pinterest: 157.2k monthly viewers
DA: 23**

Even though it’s a small and relatively new website, StephanieCristi is growing incredibly fast!

Thankfully, my site’s small size offers you great benefits if you choose to advertise with me! It means that:

  1. I can provide more attention for each of my customers 🙂
  2. I have significantly less overhead costs, so I’m able to pass along those fantastic savings to you!
  3. We will be able to make great strides working together!

So let’s get to work growing your readership and blog traffic – which will advertently lead to increased sales!

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**As of 7/21/19
