My Ultimate Blogging Workflow

StephanieCristi shares the blogging workflow that keeps her consistently creating content for 3 (very different) blogs despite school and a day job!

Each blogger has their own blogging workflow. Some are complicated with many different tools and some are quite simple with just a handful of go-to resources. After months and months of tinkering with my own, I’ve finally got it down to a simple and manageable system that keeps me organized and constantly creating content.

After all, my goal for the new year is to consistently publish three posts per week on here and twice per week on my cybersecurity blog theWhiteHatHACKER.

I definitely need a solid blogging workflow to continuously crank out that much content while being in school and consulting part-time!

So without further ado, here is my blogging workflow!

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. This means that if you purchase any of my recommended products at the bottom of the post, I will earn a small commission at no extra charge to you. Keep in mind though, that I only post affiliate links to products and services I personally love and use myself! Purchasing through my page ensures that I am able to keep writing useful content for all of you.

Step 1: Each time I get an idea

Ideas go in Notion.
I start off by adding in some potential tags and a few lines of what I want the post to include.
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Step 2: At the end of each month

I choose the blog posts that will be written up for that upcoming month and start focusing on them.

Step 3: When I get time to sit and write

I write the blog post (or posts if I can crank out a couple) on Notion, including research if necessary.
Once the blog post is complete, I transfer it to WordPress and format accordingly.
I add in any appropriate internal links.
Note: There was a short period of time that I was keeping my ideas for posts directly as drafts on WordPress. This didn’t last long because I realized that I was getting ideas faster than I could write them up. This made for a very disorganized WordPress account so I switched to Evernote, Trello, and finally Notion.

Step 4: Once the post is written, I create my blog post images

Using Canva, I create:
  • 1 hero image
  • 2-4 Pinterest images.
  • An infographic (if it’s applicable)

Step 5: Fine-tuning the details

Next, I double check SEO and make any edits necessary.

Then, I will make sure I have set a good permalink, categories, and tags.

Step 6: Publish!

And finally, I Publish and start promoting the post!
Be sure to sign up for my freebie below to get a spreadsheet for tracking all your blog shares as well as 38 places to share your latest blog post 🙂
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I use a combination of Notion, Canva, and monthly batching to keep on top of my three blogs.

Do you struggle with finding your ideal blogging workflow? Let me know below!

Hopefully, by sharing mine I can provide some inspiration to help you find your ideal process.

StephanieCristi’s Top Recommended Blogging Products

With all my love,
SC xo
My Ultimate Blogging Workflow

7 thoughts on “My Ultimate Blogging Workflow

  1. This post was super informative. I already downloaded Trello and Canva. You have motivated me to start my own blog. Hope to hear from you with some direction. It would be an honor if you would take me under your wing and coach me.

    1. Hi Antonio,

      I’m so glad you found my post helpful, that’s exactly why I blog about blogging haha
      What do you plan on writing about? I can definitely offer you some direction, the entire blogging category is meant for that! Plus I have another blog post coming later this week that lists 40 blogging tips for beginners so watch out for that!

      That is so nice of you to say, I’ve never considered blog coaching but if it’s something you think you’d be interested in, maybe others would be interested in the service as well. Let’s keep in touch on your project and see where we can take it 🙂


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