When you have a friend who is going through a hard time, it is difficult to know what to do to help. Do they want visitors? Do they want to talk? They might need help looking after their kids, or they might want them with them. It’s tricky to know, but staying away is probably not the best way to show you care, even if they want some space. So, here are some suggestions on how to help a friend when they are going through a time of need.
Take Some Food
Don’t ask your friend if they need any meals, just let them know that you are bringing them something and ask which night would be best. Or just turn up with one that they can put in the freezer if they don’t want it just yet. Meals are almost always helpful, and it doesn’t even need to be homemade and if you can, deliver your meal in a disposable container so your friend won’t have to bother with returning anything to you.
Send A Restaurant Gift Card
If you don’t live nearby to your friend or friend or can’t deliver a meal, then the next best thing is to send a gift card for a restaurant.
Just Offer, Don’t Ask
Don’t ask your friend if they need help or what they want you to do; just tell them what you will do for them. For example, look after their children while they have an appointment, stop at the supermarket to pick up a few bits for them and take or pick up their children to or from school or to their hobbies. You could even just turn up and mow the lawn for them.
Be There
Don’t just tell them that your there for them, actually be there. Go to appointments with them, show up at their house to say hello and check on them. Show up at the hospital or attend difficult events with them. It also doesn’t matter how serious or not serious you think the situation is that your friend is going through. They could be scared to go to the dentist or embarrassed about a hearing problem. If you aren’t sure how to help a friend, it’s a good idea to learn more about how you can be solid support.
Send Words Of Encouragement
Who doesn’t love receiving a card or note in the post? Quite often, when someone sends you something, it is just at the right time when you need it most. Even a simple “I’m thinking of you” or “You Are Great” can be an encouragement to a friend going through a rough time.
Ask Them How They Are And Listen
Even if you feel uncomfortable, ask them probing questions and then let your friend respond, without judging them or trying to draw parallels to your own situation. Don’t trivialize their experience; just be a compassionate, listening ear.
Send A Care Package
This could be anything from standard pampering gifts like chocolate, flowers, candles, essential oils, candles, bath bombs, or other items you know they’d enjoy, to special gifts that speak directly to their experience or the situation they are struggling with.
I hope this list of ideas helps you next time you aren’t quite sure on how to help a friend going through a time of need. After all, sometimes the gestures that cost the least, mean the most to a person struggling through a difficult situation.
Let me know in the comments below what you like to do when a friend is in need.
With all my love,
SC xo