TagGoogle Analytics

Let’s Talk Tech: Blogging Terms such as SEO, DA, and the Powerful Google Analytics

Most people come into #blogging without any technical background and are baffled when they come across these technical blogging terms and acronyms such as #SEO, #DA, and #GoogleAnalytics. #blog #bloggers #bloggerterminology #searchengineoptimization #domainauthority

Hey there, lady! If you have been blogging for any amount of time, one thing you’ve probably noticed is that there are A LOT of strange technical blogging terms and abbreviations! Most people come into blogging without any technical background and are baffled when they come across these technical blogging terms and acronyms such as search engine optimization (SEO), domain authority (DA), and Google Analytics. 396 SharesTweet394Pin1Share1ShareShareShareBufferFlipPocketReddit

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