Just How Crucial is SSL Encryption?

StephanieCristi shares a slideshare on the importance of SSL encryption for online businesses and websites that request personal information from users. #cybersecurity #sslencryption #onlinesafety #bloggers #onlinebusiness

Hi lovely!

With online shopping and smartphone use at an all-time high, it is crucial that online shoppers keep our online identities secure from prying eyes.

And that privacy is even more important for you! Yes, you as a side-hustler and blogger reading this blog post, since you are responsible for securing the information your readers provide to you. And the easiest way for you to implement security for business owners, entrepreneurs, and e-merchants? Well, that is to obtain a top-notch SSL encryption for your business website and online store.

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. This means that if you purchase any of my recommended products at the bottom of the post, I will earn a small commission at no extra charge to you. Keep in mind though, that I only post affiliate links to products and services I personally love and use myself! Purchasing through my page ensures that I am able to keep writing useful content for all of you.

As you might already know, I’m currently working on a degree in cybersecurity and information assurance along with a specialization in penetration testing. And in case that doesn’t sound cool and futuristic enough, I also run a cybersecurity blog; and my writing on cybersecurity and online shopping safety during the holidays has been featured on the National Cybersecurity Student Association blog!

However, I’ve decided that I can help more people, including side-hustlers and business owners, by incorporating my cybersecurity expertise right into StephanieCristi, rather than writing about it on a completely separate website. After all, running a successful online business is more than content creation, marketing, and even monetizing! You need to make a daily commitment to earn and keep the trust of your readers, students, and clients or they will take their business somewhere else.

So with that being said, my first security-related post on StephanieCristi is about SSL encryption.

SSL Encryption: Security for Business Owners

I’ve created a slideshare presentation for you on what SSL encryption is, what it means for both users and consumers, and how to obtain an SSL certificate for your website.

So without further ado, here it is.


If you’re reading this, chances are high that you’re a blogger, business owner, and online merchant and if that’s the case, I hope I’ve convinced you to invest in some solid SSL encryption to ensure customer security and the future of your business. This will not only keep your customer’s personally identifying information (PII) secure, but your own as well, leading to a safer web browsing experience overall.

And what if you’re a consumer?

Because let’s be real… we’ve all made an online purchase at some point!

Well in that case, stick to reputable websites with current SSL certificates.

If you found this presentation helpful, please be sure to share it with your loved ones and acquaintances alike. Online security benefits us all, and will only become more critical as the presence of increasingly advanced technology grows in our community.

StephanieCristi’s Top Recommended Blogging Resources

With all my love,


Just How Crucial is SSL Encryption?

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