Desk Job Health Problems: 4 Easy Steps to Avoiding the Aches and Pains

Working from home as a blogger or another freelance role can feel like an escape from typical office life. And in many ways, it is. There’s no office politics, nobody bringing in cake and cookies on a daily basis and no dress code. But things that won’t go away are the desk job health problems associated with a sedentary lifestyle. If you want to make sure you stay happy and healthy when blogging, take a look at these common blogging health problems and what you can do to avoid them.

Working from home as a blogger or another freelance role can feel like an escape from typical office life. And in many ways, it is. There’s no office politics, nobody bringing in cake and cookies on a daily basis and certainly no dress code.

Don’t tell me I’m only blogger writing up posts in my PJs! 😉

But one of the things that don’t go away is the desk job health problems associated with a sedentary lifestyle.

If you want to make sure you stay happy and healthy when blogging, take a look at these common desk job health problems and what you can do to avoid them.

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Desk Job Health Problems: Sitting down for too long

Having a desk job could make you lazy. The emphasis being on the word ‘could’. Many people will sit at their desks all day, taking breaks for the bathroom or to make a coffee only. This can lead to weight gain, sluggishness and an unhealthy approach to work that can be difficult to break.

If you take the right approach to being active, you can avoid the sedentary trap. Learn how you can stay active all day to help you stay alert and healthy.

Blogging Health Problems: Listening to music too loud

Listening to music is a common desk habit, and even while working by yourself, you might enjoy doing so with some music in your ears. But listening to music too loud can lead to long-term hearing damage that you’ll regret later in life.

If you start experiencing hearing issues, get medical advice and find out whether you need an audiologist or hearing instrument specialist to help you take action and get the help you need.

Take a break from listening to music and keep the volume low. You don’t need to drown everything out when it’s just you in the room.

If you want to make sure you stay happy and healthy when blogging, take a look at these common desk job health problems and what you can do to avoid them.

Desk Job Health Problems: Not having a good work-life balance

Not being able to find the right balance is a common mistake for beginner bloggers, and is something that can be hard to shake off later on. However, if you’re clever and can plan effectively, you should be able to find the work-life balance that makes working for yourself so great.

Set working hours, avoid checking your emails through the evenings and weekend and remember to take the time to do things you enjoy.

Your mental health will thank you for it.

Desk Job Health Problems: Tackling poor posture

How’s your posture at your desk? All that slouching and leaning will soon take their toll on your back, neck, and shoulders. Learn some techniques to improve your posture to stop those aches and pains.

Investing in a high-quality chair and office equipment is a good way to look after your back, and the money will be worth it for comfort while you work.


Just like any job, working as a blogger or a writer can lead to several physical and mental health problems. Your health should always be your number one priority, so while it’s nice to enjoy all of the fun that comes with working for yourself, don’t forget that.

It’s just you now, so if you get sick you could find yourself facing a lot of problems with your workload and finances. Avoid these blogging health problems and enjoy a healthy work-life.

StephanieCristi’s Top Recommended Blogging Resources

With all my love,

SC xo

Desk Job Health Problems: 4 Easy Steps to Avoiding the Aches and Pains

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